Hexidecimal Hexagon courtesy of w3schools HTML Color Picker

Over the past few years we have had support on many levels to keep our program moving forward. Some folks volunteered time. Others contributed projects or gear. Several kind souls recommended us for grants – some came through. And others just gave us sound advice and encouraged us to never give up. We are proud to list the following folks as “Friends of the Rural Design Collective”.

The “Friends of the RDC” are hexidecimally classified based on their current color palette (because it was a heckuva lot more fun than doing it alphabetically) and loosely grouped according to color.

The Friends of the Rural Design Collective, Hexidecimally Classified

Jon Phillips (San Francisco, CA + Beijing, China)

rejon blue + sharism red (#0088CC, #DC3B25)

Brewster Kahle (San Francisco, CA, USA)

bookmobile green (a.k.a. RDC Classic) (#004E5F, #F3C947)

Howard Rheingold (Mill Valley, CA, USA)

Alan Mitchell (Port Orford, OR, USA)

351 Teal (#528786), All New #rdcHQ Hues! (#4DADB4, #D8882C)

Scotty Auble (Port Orford, OR, USA)

gCI gainsboro (#DCDCDC), RDC Reboot (#555C1F, #D8882C)

Port Orford Library (Port Orford, OR, USA)

north curry green (#D9EAE1, #315B45), doug fir brown (#392B28)

Linda Tarr (Port Orford, OR, USA)

flugelhorn flax (#ffcc33), lithophone lilac (#9999cc)

Danny Goodman (Half Moon Bay, CA, USA)

spamwars khaki (#CCCC99), goodman green + iApp black (#339966)

Fabricatorz (San Francisco, CA + Beijing, China)

fabricatorz green (#E1EAE5), sharism red (#DC3B25)

Aaron Swartz (The Open Internet)

Anand Chitipothu (Visakhapatnam, India)

infogami iridium (#B39565), open library beta (#F9F8D0, #625E25)

William Paul Gaetjens (Port Orford, OR, USA)

301 series green (#4DADB4, #528786, #97645)

Brian Main (Vienna, Austria)

undesign gray (#CCCCCC), Lil’ Red (#BC2D24)

Boston Public Library (Boston, MA, USA)

BPL blue & gray (#00A4E4, #66594D)

Pete Ippel (Ventura, CA, USA)

Matt Haughey (McMinnville, OR, USA)

mefi blue (#006699), fuelly primary (#E02708, #F2B028, #0FA0B1)

Marshall T. Rose (Sacramento, CA, USA)

sour apple (#9FB956), candy apple (#B8121B), prowler (#4B1A23)

Jeffrey Zeldman (New York, NY, USA)

alistapart alabaster (#60411F), zeldman orange (#CC3300), beanie blue (#2C7BA5), happy cog hues (#346353, #BEB64B, #F98957, #F2B854)

Dave Wilhite (Port Orford, OR) grayscale (iPad-ready) (#000000, #333333, #666666)

Samuel Klein (Boston, MA, USA)

OLPC (#F78F1E, #6EBE46, #0092CF, #E20177), longestnow yellow

Jenn Covington (Columbia, SC, USA)

Critical Mass purple & pink (#8629C9, #CF2BD3)

Scott Peden (Boulder Creek, CA, USA)

LoaRWP Brown (#5C5A54), deBUG green (#6C9158)

Lois Miller (Port Orford, OR, USA)

port orford green (#3B873B), rarebird blue (#5D9FE5)

Peter Fraterdeus (Dubuque, IL, USA)

slowprint green (#56683A), quantum magick gamut (#203060, #D91455, #017665, #A246AD)

Stella Gassaway (Philadelphia, PA, USA)

heavybubble blue (#0099EA), idea orange (#b84918 – bittersweet), stellarvisions spectra (#CC0000, #ff9900, #663399, #99CC00)

Richard Blumberg (Cincinnati, OH, USA)

undesign gray (#CCCCCC), iswhatido periwinkle (#94A3B7, #546188)

The Hargrave Family (Orange Park, FL, USA)

orange park orange (#ff8400), cobwebs crowsnest crimson (#990000), golden anniversary gold (#ffc600)

Click This Bumper Sticker – Make Good Things Happen.

The RDC Needs YouTM – Buy our spiffy bumper sticker and learn more about becoming a Friend of The Rural Design Collective. All proceeds go towards continued work and good deeds on projects like the ones you see here, plus the continued development of the RDC and our mentoring program!

$10 USD – Currently available in BookMobile Green Only, Shipping included.

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